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Friday, May 05, 2006

One Week and the Zoo

I can't believe it is only one week until my baby boy is no longer a baby and becomes one year old! I have so much to plan for his birthday. Where to get the cake, where to get the platters, how much food to have, what drinks to serve and the most important one, WHAT am I going to buy Keenan??? I want to get him something special and memorable, but mom and other people say that he won't remember so I should save the memorable stuff for when he is older. Well I still have a couple days to decide. I will probably end up getting the cake from Lakeview because they do dairy free. And my MIL said she would purchase the decorations. And I will probably buy the platters from Costco.
On another note, I am meeting a mutual friend today for an outing at the zoo, but have no idea what she looks like!!! I am sure that I have met her before but I am not absoultly positive, so I hope that she recognizes me. The best part about this friend is that she is going to be a SAHM as well and she lives in the SW! How great is that. Now if I could only have access to a vehicle at all times! I will just have to keep working on Chris about that one!


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