Thursday, December 31, 2009
Day 6 - Clutter Challenge
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Day 5 - Clutter Challenge
Day 4 - Clutter Challenge
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
I go back and forth on this. On the one hand, my parents, in-laws, and husband are can't say that something doesn't work or is fundamentally flawed until you give it a try. On the other hand, why would I want my son to be a guinea pig?
So, what is my worry...lets lay it out on the table.
I fear that he will be made to sit, to learn not to interrupt, to not ask questions, etc. To beat the intrinsic nature of learning out of his system. When he knows the answer and the teacher does not call on him, he is crushed. How many times does one need to be crushed before they stop trying all together?
My fear is that if I kept him at home he would learn nothing. That he would be a social outcast, that he would not be successful in jr.high or high school. That he would never go to university and that I wasted all that potential.
**Update for September 2012. We are still homeschooling and it was the best decision that we EVER made. He is flourishing and learning at such an excellerated pace. He is really doing better than I could have ever imagined. Listen to your guts mamas! You know your children best.**
Day 3 - Clutter Challenge.
Day 2 - Clutter Challenge
Day 1 - Clutter Challenge.
Monday, December 28, 2009
I Don't Understand You.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Pie for Breakfast
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas and Kids
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
More thoughts on Boys....
Monday, December 21, 2009
Winter Jackets and Carseats.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The Quintessential Hockey Mom
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Complete Lack of Motivation
Monday, December 14, 2009
Self Care
Sunday, December 13, 2009
A Matter of Opinion.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Pink is the least of the trouble.....
Sunday, December 06, 2009
In Search of Sleep.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
A Second Birthday
Friday, December 04, 2009
Sushi and Pregnancy.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
And Letting Go...
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Listening ...or not.
Friday, November 20, 2009
A Question of Parenting Style.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sibling Rivalry
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Presentation: Supporting Mothers.
When the demands of motherhood get so great that we sometimes forget who we are ourselves we need to reach out and be available to other mothers looking for the same thing. There are many different ways to support other mothers, and sometimes when life gets so hectic and busy that we forget that we were once where the new mom is.
Can you remember it? That first time you felt like a mom? You may tell yourself that it was the first time you felt the baby kick, or the first time you heard your baby cry, or maybe you think it was just after your baby was placed on your chest. These are all legitimate moments to think of ones self as a mother. I can remember when I first felt like a mom, it wasn’t when I felt that first kick, heard the first cry, or even pushed that child out so fast that he caused my midwives to jump to! It was 3 days later.
My milk had not come in. I was wearing clothes that did not fit, too tight on the tops, too loose on the bottoms. I was on partial bedrest because of a tear. So I hadn’t showered, or really been able to do anything for myself. It was 4 in the morning and this little baby was crying. Now, some back story for you all to chuckle at. My son was planned to the day, let me tell you. It was the night of my 23rd birthday, and I was just finishing my 3rd year of university. I was a psychology major. I had been married for a year, and honestly felt like I had accomplished nothing. So I said to my husband that I wanted to do something I could be proud of, something that I was “good” at. I was “good” at children. I was a nanny, a sister to 3 younger siblings…so we decided to get pregnant. And we did. The next month. Of course I was so sure that I could “do” this baby thing that I still enrolled in my fourth year, fought through the morning sickness. (or all day sickness) and tried in vain to finish that year out and convocate, in April and have the baby in May. We had it all planned out nicely.
What do children teach us? That you have to be flexible. So needless to say, none of that happened. But, that is another story entirely.
So, back to the bathroom. I could “do” this. I was “good” at children. So why on earth was this baby crying and why on earth did I have no idea how to make him stop?!
And then it hit me. It hit me hard. So hard that I had to hold on to that little baby for dear life so that I wouldn’t drop him on the cold bathroom floor.
I became his mother.
I realized that this little baby, this little defenseless, fragile, teeny 7 lbs boy was completely reliant on me for his sole survival. That although he had a dad that was in the other room, and a grandma, and a granny, and countless others. I was his mother. I was the one where the buck stopped. I could at that moment, decide to step up and become his mother and tell myself that perhaps I didn’t actually “know” children as much as I thought I did, or I could go back to bed, give him to his daddy and give up. I decided to embrace this new role, with tears streaming down my face.
For I realized what this meant. I was responsible for him. I would sacrifice everything for him. I would be there through good and bad, through happy times, sad times, and even the best of the mad times. I would do my best for him and give my all to him. As I wept, and sobbed, I welcomed my new life and mourned the passing of my single womanhood.
My husband went back to work. My mother visited, but infrequently. The massive amounts of people who had once graced my door offering gifts and hugs and questions of “can I hold the baby” all died down to the sound of TLC on the television. I found myself increasingly alone. Even more so since my friends had all returned to university, or the ones who had graduated were no where near having children.
I felt lost. Bored when he slept, and haggard while he was awake. I started visiting online parenting groups and connected with one that had weekly playgroups on Thursdays in the basement of a church. I was to nervous to take the baby out by myself but reading other mothers comments and answers to questions made me feel better about my day.
This little contact that I had with other mothers was a turning point for me. I started looking for it. Waking the streets when I thought others would be out. Listening for the swings to start at a playground by my house and rushing out to see if I could catch that mom, or at least say hi.
I have to say that this was the lowest part for me. And I know of some women that got much lower than I. And all I can say, is thank goodness for outreach programs.
Things started to turn around when I started to attend a monthly breastfeeding support group. I started seeing moms on a monthy basis and we would meet for playdates as well. The online group that I was a part of started having playgroups in my community as well. I started getting out and meeting people. Talking about my problems, my frustrations, listening to other mothers talk about theirs, and building that sense of community.
As I started to get to know some of the mothers better I would call them, or email them just to chat. We would go out for breakfast as our children got older and were more likely to allow us that luxury. We would go for walks, go to the mall, library, zoo, science center, you name it.
But it wasn’t the outings themselves, it was that one on one. That mother to mother support. That acknowledgement that I wasn’t alone. That my child wasn’t the only one who liked to throw spaghetti in a ceiling fan, or run around all day in his underwear. That no one really knows what they are doing but we all pretend that we do. That we are all just trying to do the best for our kids in any way that we can.
That mother to mother support. Nothing is more important as a new mom than to find likeminded mothers that believe in some or most of the things that you do. That understand what you are talking about that can just lend a shoulder to cry on, and ear to listen to, or an encouraging, “you are doing great!”
In my line of business, and within the organizations that I volunteer for, I often get the question, “but where do I find these moms.” For some women it’s easy. They are extraverted they have friends that are going through pregnancy with them, they like to organize things and people generally find them. For others, like myself, it can be a tough climb.
I tell these moms that they need to be open to everyone, and that can be tough as a new mom as you are always trying to “fit” in to some group. It’s easy to judge eachother as the mommy wars rage supreme. Bottle vs. Breastfeeding, Crib vs. Co-Sleeping, Vaccines, Soothers, Parenting Styles, and these are just a few of the many, many, many things that mothers can judge eachother on. Discipline. That is a big one.
Regardless of judgment, I tell mothers that they must put themselves out there, and look for moms to talk to. Events like this one, where there is a common ground. Just to work up the courage to say hi. I tell moms that other mothers want them to say hi. That they are too shy themselves, or that they feel like their life may not be as interesting as it once was when business trips are replaced by diaper changes.
And we, the experienced mothers, we must remember what it was like to be that new mother. To take ourselves back to the time when we first realized that we were a mom, and remember what it felt like before we made our connections, our community. It is easy enough to forget as the children get older, or as we add more to our fray.
We have to make a conscious effort to embrace these new mothers. To listen attentively to their concerns, their questions and their suggestions. Although we ourselves may feel over worked, over whelmed and have issues that are well past the baby stage, we have to remember that these women are actively looking to find their place in the mommy world. That they have just recently gone through that life changing moment in the bathroom, and realized that they are that baby’s sole lifeline.
So, say hello. Congratulate that mother for nursing, or wearing her baby, or just getting out the house. Offer her suggestions for resources in the community. I always carry cards on my person with the contacts for some playgroups in the city and for city run resource centers.
She may not take your help, your suggestions or your friendship…but if she does, you will walk away knowing that you have made that woman’s life infinitely better just by being you.
And one day, she may end up, standing in a room, delivering a speech about how mother to mother support is the most important thing that she could have ever received. All while thinking about you, and the kind words that you imparted to her, when she was a new mom struggling in the fray.
I want to take this time for some of you to share your story of when you first realized that you were a mother. (or a father) and how you gain support.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Just Run Right Down.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
A Fashion Dilemma.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Just Gross.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Pregnant Again.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Interesting thought for the day.
Discipline problems are greatly reduced when transitions are planned properly. And children's well-being is promoted when they feel that they have some control over what they are doing and when they are doing it, rather than being "herded" or moved from activity to activity in a rushed and thoughtless way.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
The right to bring kids.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Hitting as Love
Sunday, August 16, 2009
A new way of looking at things.....
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Other People's Kids
Monday, August 10, 2009
Berry Picking
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Holiday - The Begining
I am going to try and blog about my visit to the cottage this year, but as I was without a computer for two weeks I have an abundance of topics to discuss.
I thought, perhaps that I would start from the beginning as it happened in a typical fashion for our family.
I stayed up late the night before to pack much to my hubby's dismay. I came to bed at around midnight. I made sure to set my alarm for 5am since the flight left at 8am and I had two kids to dress etc. Hubby set his alarm as well.
Can you believe that neither of them went off? Not one.
No idea why mine didnt, but hubby's battery died.
So we woke up at 6:30am, just by fluke. We panicked.
We threw stuff in suitcases, took sleeping children and RAN to the truck.
We left our house at 7am. We made it to the airport at 7:30am. As our flight was boarding, and ran to check our bags. (thank goodness for online checkin)
We actually made our flight with minutes to spare.
The funny part was that the next day after hubby charged his phone it went off at 5am (so 3am ont time)...and when we got home my alarm went off at 5 am as well.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Pit To Distress
I just read a blog post here and here and have to say that I am floored. Not so floored that I am actually surprised, but floored that doctors can be so damn selfish.
No Hippocratic oath needed. Just numbers, times, procedures.
No accountability for the mothers well being, physically or mentally. Not to mention how the babies will recover as well.
Now, I have to say that I understand that there is a need for C-Births. My own husband was a frank breech and they went for the section. I am positive that it did in fact save his life. However, 30 years ago they were not even close to as common as they are today, and I am not thinking that the physiology of women has changed exponentially in one generation.
The bottom line is that society says that we can't do it, we cant naturally birth our babies...well not without an epidural anyway, and for that matter, we can't breastfeed either, but formula is a great alternative.
This is WRONG.
We CAN and all we need is the support. Support of our friends, support from our spouse, support from our community, or caregivers etc.
When a women goes into labour I want her to have all of the information that she possibly can so that when the doctors come to say, "we are just going to give you some pitocin" She can know before hand what the maximum dose is for her body and will be able to cut them off if they tried to "pit to distress" her baby.
And by the off chance that she does end up having a c-birth she is *proud* of the fact that she has done everything she can and that her baby comes into the world without distress.
No regrets, no questions, just reassurance, and support.
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Boys and Dolls,
I do have dolls for my boys though. This may make me a hypocrite in some peoples eyes, but I really feel like having a doll allows them to show their sensitive side and then can also mimic parenting.
My boys love to cuddle, hug, and kiss their babies. They fight over them and take them everywhere.
It's actually funny to me that out of ALL of the toys that they have they would become so connected to dolls.
This does of course make me nervous for when they are older, as they become more "genderized" then they already are and some other, older boy(s) say, "boys dont play with dolls"
I hope that I can make my boys feel confident enough that it wont phase them....their mom on the other hand......
Monday, July 06, 2009
Xavier Rudd
First let me preface by saying that Xavier Rudd is got to be my favourite artist. His music speaks to me rhythmically and lyrically. He sings about social change, the environment, and the like. As I become more and more of a hippie in my old age, I really feel connected to what he is saying and most if not all of his shows change me that little. People love, sing, smile, sway and dance to him. It is truly a movement.
Last nights show however, was the oddest Xavier concert I had been to. For one, it was a packed house at the Jubilee (which is more of a formal concert place) and the majority of people did not look like stoners or hippies (who usually come to his shows).
I was excited, I thought it was great that he was reaching a higher audience...until...we sat next to these two bimbos who were drinking vodka out of pepsi bottles, talking and texting while the show was going on, and generally being disrespectful...did i mention that they got up and left the show 3 different times....second, no one stood up to dance, or sing unless Xavier asked (which he had to do twice).
No Dancing. It was crazy.
The whole purpose of a Xavier show is to dance.
I was trying to figure out WHY it was such a wierd vibe.
The venue...way too formal, too comfortable chairs??
The Crowd...too mainstream? No one knew him? Too corporate? Inner City Jackasses? Stampede?
Maybe the just didnt get the message?
I just find it so wierd, and cant get it.....
I have posted a Xavier song here, just so you can see what I mean about the message...
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Canada Day
We did have some junk food, but mini donuts are hard to resist. (I resisted...)
We actually bumped into an old roomate who has a band now that is actually quite successful. It was kinda funny to see him as we sometimes wish we could be like him, and he seemed totally blown away that we had children. (he knew that we did but had never met them). It was especially funny that both K and R loved to rock out to his music.
Seeing him again did make C feel a little sorry for himself, because he really misses the fact that he doesnt play music as much as he could.
I think he should just sign up to a market collective or something.....
Standing your Ground
**originally published in Birthing Magazine Summer 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
1. Get over it. (which I am inclined to do.) Just ignore the drama and get on with my life.
2. Blast it all over, (which I am not interested in doing), this just makes her feel like she has power because she has made me mad.
3. Call her on it. (hmmm.) This may actually be an idea. Actually ask her what the problem is, so that we can move on.
That might be a good wouldnt be a bad thing to get over it. :)
But then, this shows her that I actually care and I really dont.
So back to square one.
Doesnt it seem like we are really back in highschool?
Saturday, June 27, 2009
True Friends.
I am not the type of person who goes off the handle on a regular basis, even though I am still quite young, and have had older people tell me that I am en-passioned. However, there are a couple things that make my blood boil, and cause me to rise in action.
Truth, Justice, Compassion, the Greater Good, Honesty.
If you live your life according to these values we will get along, no problem. I know that sometimes moms can have off days, and hey I have them too, so I always try to see all sides of a story and figure out all angles, and also give the person the benefit of the doubt....even to my detriment as my mom would point out.
So where am I going with this.....
Let's just say that I have a group of friends, ones that I know well, and others that I dont know as well...and there is a certain person within this group that has decided upon herself not to like me at all. Now, in a professional capacity, I can work with this woman. In a personal one, not so much....but then do we have to like every single person we meet, and for that matter, just because we share the fact that we parent the same way, are both women, and both had children come out of our bodies, does not best friends make....I digress...
So anyway, we dont see eye-to-eye, bottom line. And I dont really think the whole world or a group of friends for that matter should be brought in to it. Dragged through the drama....(which, coincedentally seems to follow me like a black cloud recently.)
Bottom line is that she is making these friends choose between me and her. Like we are in high school or something! And I am getting pressure to yield and make amends...for what exactly?
It's not that my friends are being dragged through this, when I never wanted them to in the first place, its not that I actually care that she dislikes me so much that she can not stand to be on the same world wide web as me, let alone at a social function...however, she can talk to me at a professional level....what pisses me off the most is that she has called my friendships in to question.
Not following..... lets go back to here. This is the single most defining moment for me as a woman. To realize that even though we age, we grow babies, we raise children in a caring matter, that some women never grow up and high school lasts why is this particular post have any relevance to this one?
Back then, I stood up for my friend. I put my whole heart, soul, reputaion on the line for her because I felt that she was being treated unjustly.
I told others, and strained friendships that I had made, because I stood up for her.
Now the same thing is happening to me. And I am honestly afraid that these women, these moms that I trust to be honest with me, and truthful, will bend to the will of one, and I will be shunned, and that will show me that no - one really has my back, and that I am some sort of anomoly that will continually put herself on the line for other people with no reciprocation at all.
It's not like I would actually ask these women to do this for me, as I think even in asking brings me down to the level of a high schooler. Also, there is enough drama happening that, really, what would be the point? And it would just fracture more relationships for no reason.....
But, it makes me sad, and melancolic, to think....who, who really, has my back?
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sleep...or Lack Thereof
Usually this wouldn't bother me, but lately it is. A lot.
The thing is that I really really need to study. I have a couple classes that are winding down in the next month and I really have to spend some time to finish them, and if my kids are not sleeping until 11pm then when am I supposed to do this work?
What ends up happening is that as soon as they are both sleeping I spend an hour "de-stressing" from the day....either cleaning a little, eating, going on the computer etc. Maybe doing some actual work...and then I start studying and then I go to bed at 1 or 2am. This would be okay if I wasn't woken up at 7am.
I feel like a zombie. I dont feel like I am actually doing well in my classes if I cant do any work at a reasonable hour.
I could just shut the door at 7pm and listen to them scream, but I dont because I have made this commitment to myself and to them that I will be there for them when they need me, especially in the arena of sleep, but boy is it tempting.
I have so much stuff to do in the evening and can never do it.
I guess what I really have to do is bite the bullet and wake up earlier and then wake them up earlier, and perhaps skip the nap until they are on a good schedule.
I would love it if they could both be asleep by 8pm.
Then maybe I could get to sleep myself at a decent hour.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The Discipline Post
I am beginning to feel like one can never win at the mommy wars game. For one, it starts with conception, ageism, and fertility, then birth experience, then nursing then sleep, now discipline....when will it ever end.
Honestly, I dont give a rats ass how you parent as long as YOU feel in your GUT that you are informed, empowered and are doing the right thing for YOUR family. I will gladly help you find resources, but in the end, to time out, or not to time out is not going to affect me....until that is my son brings your daughter home who has never been told no in her poor sons! ;P
I did however want to share a couple of ideas about discipline and maybe "attachment parenting" in general.
So, as an "attachment parent" we want our children to be as attached, as emotionally cognizant, as well rounded, sensitive and the like. To understand to respect all peoples regardless of colour, creed, or race. How exactly can we do that if there are no limits on our children?
I am not saying that we should expect our kids to be little soldiers. I will be the first to tell you that I enjoy it sometimes when my son questions the norm, or says no. That shows me that he is gaining independence, confidence and understanding of the world around him. Our world has boundaries and it is up to us to show our children where those lines lay.
I do not advocate allowing the child to have the upper hand. You are the parent. The buck stops with you. Bottom line. Kids dont want friends. I am not even 30 yet and I have plenty friends whos parents were permissive....can we say no motivation and sex and drug addictions??? Maybe this is because they never learned about control?
Our children are not robots, they are autonomous creatures that learn a million things everyday. I for one think we are doing them a HUGE disservice if we "talk our feelings to death". In my house it is NOT okay to hit the dog or the baby. I honestly could care less why. I really could. My older son is immediately removed. Kicking, screaming, punching. I tried to ask him why he hits his brother, or the dog...."because I like to." Stalemate. So I moved to "it is unacceptable to hit your brother or the dog unprovoked, if you do so, you will sit alone, on this stair. We show love in this house, and if you dont want to you can play by yourself in your room." Children need to know how to deal (defense mechanisms) when they do not get what they want (stress). We have to help them figure out how to deal with it.
I will not be beside my son everytime something doesnt go his way. He has to know how to deal with that himself, so I am setting him up to be an emotional cripple that will have an anxiety disorder because he can not leave the house for fear of someone saying, no.
We only know our children, and how our children cope with a particular situation. I would never ever tell a mother of teenagers that what she is doing could scar her, am I in that situation? How do I know that? Because I read it in a book....better yet a book by a man who was never home with his kids because he was busy promoting his book? How does he know?
So, when others with children who are NO where near my child's age, ability, or environment give their two cents I can respect it, I can listen, but I will not take it to heart, because I will listen to some one who has a child in a similar situation, or has gone through it before.....
I can't make my children do anything, as I have said before, but I can show them what is acceptable and what isnt...and as a parent that is the best I can do. I am only human, I make mistakes, one size does not fit all......
and lastly, if your child is a perfect little angel and does nothing to displease you.. (and I am talking over 3 years old), your day is coming....and it's not the way your parent...that could be a part of it, but it's called NATURE vs. NURTURE and nature usually wins. ;) (you could just be one of the lucky ones with an easy to please tempermented child....I know I am not!)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Birth(ing) Day
I never imagined it would be anything like it has turned out. I got pregnant because I felt like something was missing from my life. That I was meant to be and do more than what I had accomplished in my 24 short years on the planet. I thought that by having a baby I would somehow have "done" something with my life.
So selfish.
Keenan has changed me. He saved me from myself. I owe more to that little boy than I do to anyone else in the world, save my husband, and my mother.
He has taken me down a path that I never even knew existed and for that I am eternally grateful.
The things that I am most passionate about, Birth Experience (empowering women to have an informed birth), and Mother to Mother support, would not have even been on my radar if I had not had Keenan when I did.
He has shown me a whole new way of living, of loving, of patience, of compassion, of friendship. I owe my bestfriends to him. Women that I feel connected with, honored to be within their tribe, honest, real women who I would have never met, if not for Keenan.
He was made me grow as a person, as a woman, and as a mother in ways that I never even thought that I could grow.
He makes me laugh everyday, and some weeks he makes me cry as well. He is blunt, talkative, sensitive, empathetic, altruistic, compassionate, wild, loud, crazy, hyperactive, strong, intuitive, smart, extremely smart, talented, loving, proud, beautiful, silly, protective, loyal, trusting, and perfect. I wouldn't have him any other way.
Happy Birthday my baby. You are a big boy now. :)
or as he says, "I am a lower case 4 today mama, on my real birthday I will be an uppercase 4."
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
My thoughts on the Pool.
Don't know what I am talking about? Read here and here. Don't worry I will wait........
Oh also read here, because that is what I am going to blog about.
So now that you are all up to date, lets clarify a couple things.....
1) The City of Calgary has given Gemma letter after letter telling her why it is not okay to nurse in or around the pool. The whole reason why she even thought about having a "nurse in" was so that she could get the city to hammer down an actual policy. That's all she wanted. Edmonton has had one for years, and she has never been commented to in that city or at any of the other pools in Calgary. Just the pool in question has the issue with nursing in and around the pool.
2) So since it was just this pool. perhaps it is just a couple staff members that have problems with nursing moms, and if so, I bet they are sorry now that they ever opened their mouths to disagree.
3) They even complained to her when she nursed on the deck...just wanted to state that for the record.
4) The media focused on the age of her child, and so did all of the negative posters....what is wrong with people? 21 mos is not too old to be child is 16 mos and has 3 teeth....3.
5) The attitudes of public breastfeeding is what makes me the crazyiest...but I am going to donate a whole blog post on that one....
6) The hate mail. Seriously.
This one blows me away. A couple years ago Gemma was nominated for the Vibe 985 baby shower. 60,000K or something like that. She became a finalist, and sadly didnt win. But, she was a finalist because over 10,000 people voted for her, because they liked her, her kids, and saw what hardship she was going through....then this same city, attacks her for wanting a clear policy on where exactly she can nurse her baby.........
Which by the way, really wasnt the point.
The point was....the city had a policy, the lifeguards ignored the policy, harrased her, and were taken to task......
And a last point, who cares if she does or doesnt nurse in the pool....does it really affect you personally....? I mean really, are you right there swimming with her, in the toddler pool? If not, why do you even care?