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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Day 4 - Clutter Challenge

Back to the Clutter Challenge. This is awesome! I have never felt so motivated and my house is getting cleaner room-by-room...the best part is that my kids and husband are joining in now too!

So, the list.

16 - Leather Pants. They will never fit me again. I am hoping to sell them and get a little cash and some space at the same time!
17 - 5 pairs of Children's socks. We got many pairs for Christmas, so I decided to get rid of the ones that I can't stand, that never stay on, or are just plain ugly.
18 - Baby Name Book. Will pass it on to a new mom.
19 - Going to Bed book. I had 2 copies.
20 - Siblings without Rilvary book. Needs to go back to it's original owner. :)

And yes, I have more, so there will be another post today...but then I am all caught up!!


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