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About Me

Hello and thanks for visiting!! I started this blog way back in 2004 to share my pregnancy and journey into motherhood with all of my friends and family. Along the way it has changed along with me starting as an online journal, changing to rants and activism for mothers and babies (and mostly anonymous), and then to embracing my blog as an extension of me and to showcase my writing. (please visit the published works tab)

This blog as a whole is just a collection of my thoughts, feelings and things that I have learned after becoming a mother of 3 sons. It may seem disjointed at times, but that is because I have so many different interests and am passionate about so many things! You will find posts on my kids, homeschooling, vegetarianism, attachment parenting, breastfeeding, birth, and a little of everything in between!

So pursue the archives, check out the search bar, and laugh and cry with me in this wonderful journey of my life.

Want even more? I am trying my hand at vlogging so here you go! See more videos here.


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