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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Reality Check

Did that make you cry? I know I did. With the last couple of weeks being
tougher, with a lack of a husband for the most part (our choice - work),
I have been counting down the hours until the kids go to bed. What this
video reminded me was that I CHOSE to stay at home with my kids to
WATCH them grow up. I only get them for so long before society takes
them away from me.

I sometimes need to be reminded of that fact when I am about to go crazy
over the constant demands of more this and that. It's not a picnic with two
preschool aged boys at home and another baby any day now, but this was
my choice, and I need to own it.

I decided to post this video on my blog so that I would always have it as a
reminder of how precious time is and to absolutely try to live life in the
fullest. Of course we get bogged down by adult responsibility, but
sometimes that phone call or email or facebook status doesn't need to be
answered right away, and so what if you don't answer it at all...they will
call back, email you back, and there is always another day for status

I want my boys to look back and really enjoy their childhood. They can
say to their spouse, "I had a pretty good childhood, I felt loved and
appreciated." Rather than, "my mom was counting down the hours until
we went to bed."

We just have to remember to take each day as that, a new day, and hug
our love ones close.


xmomx said...

I can't see the image or video..

Anonymous said...

Sooo true! Being in the moment, the everyday ordinary moment takes a whole lot to skill and practice. Thanks for posting this.

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