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Monday, June 24, 2013

My City Under Water

Photo Courtesy of
As a born and bred Calgarian I have watched in horror as many of the communities surrounding my city - and my city itself - were being completely destroyed by the tremendous force of water.

Living in the suburbs my family has not been affected physically, but I am feeling extreme emotional turmoil about the whole ordeal and scared to death that this will be a common occurrence.

I have sat here for 4 days, hiding in my house, glued to social media, calling friends and hoping that everyone I know that was directly affected will come out okay. (financially as well).

I am so proud of my city for being strong. So proud of all the volunteers. All while feeling so guilty for being 6 months pregnant and useless to help out in any meaningful way.

I decided that instead of hashing it all out for you again, as I am sure that you have seen the news, that I would just do a blog round up of my favourite local bloggers and let them tell you their stories and feelings, and share a video that really touched my heart.

We will dig out, and we will be stronger for it.

I LOVE YOU Calgary!!

Robin of Farewell Stranger - Flood. She also wrote for The Huffington Post - Calgary is Flooded with Love

Tamara from ThatTamIAmThe Greatest City on Earth 

Merry from MerryWithChildren - The Calgary Flood of 2013

Dana from CalgaryPlaygroundReview - CalgaryFlood2013

Samantha an UrbanMoms blogger - Alberta Floods

Kim from TwoBugsAndABlog - And Then The Water Came

The Ladies from FamilyFunCalgary - A Message to our Readers

Mike from MikesBloggityBlogSix Good Things to Come Out of the Calgary Floods

Sarah from DoingAllTheThings - #yycFlood

Heather from HomeToHeather- Dear Diary There Was a Flood

Leanne from IronicMomCalgary Flood. She also writes for The Huffington Post - 10 Reasons Why Calgarians Love Nenshi. (I couldn't agree more!!)

Julie from DinnerWithJulieIn Calgary Mud is the New Black

*** All of these Bloggers call Calgary home. This is their city - who better to tell you what happened then the people who live here. ****

I wanted to share this video with all of you. I have really great friends that live in some of the areas that are shown in this video and it brings it that much closer to home for me. Keep Calm, Calgary Strong.

If you wish to help out the people of Alberta recover from these devestating floods please donate to the RED CROSS here.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Arbonne Product Review and my First Giveaway!

When my friend Kim from Two Bugs and a Blog asked me if I wanted to try out some Arbonne products I jumped at the chance. Ever since becoming a mom I have had a really hard time getting out of the house and taking time for myself. This includes exercise and personal care. I want to get products that are mostly natural after watching The Story of Cosmetics by Annie Leonard, and just being more conscious about it. Now, I now that not all products are going to be able to be 100% natural and I just can not get on the "no poo" bandwagon... really, I can't. 
You know how some people have problems using natural cleaning supplies because clean doesnt actually smell like anything and they want their houses to smell like Pine Sol? Mine is shampoo... if it doesn't smell like flowers and lathers like no body's business then I am not into it. 

Anyway, I am getting off topic. So when my friend offered to drop some different samples to my house I was stoked. I am actively looking for something for my face. I am now going to be the mom of 4 and it is showing in my eyes, and under them. I was super surprised that she dropped off a whole basket of actual products. Bottles of products to use for the whole week! I was expecting little packets that wouldn't even last a day. I was able to actually try all the products out in the comfort of my own home. (apparently this is a thing that Arbonne does). 

So, I have decided to put together a post to show you my favourites and one lucky local reader will get a free bottle of ABC Hair and Body Wash. How fun is that? Plus it's my first giveaway... (going into the big leagues with blog giveaways!!) 

The first product that I really liked was the Pure Vibrance Mousse. I use mousse right now - but it's a drug store brand. Studio something or other. It works okay, but it still leaves my hair really heavy, which isn't so great with fine hair like I have. I was actually surprised how well this mousse worked and it was really fluffy and left my hair really soft. Also, it smells great - see, the smell thing. So I really liked it!! 

The Shea Butter Hand lotion was really used. I love Shea Butter and this reminded me of the Body Shop but in tube form. I used this everyday, twice a day and it is the one product that I think I may have to have a Arbonne party just so I can buy it. It wasn't sticky or greasy, but it kept my chronic dry hands really hydrated. It's small enough to fit in your purse too, that is where I would keep it! 
Lastly, I just had to try the sunscreen. I love that it is waterproof, that it is not greasy and that it smells good. I think these are all really good qualities of a good sunscreen. I use the Badger stuff on my kids and am okay with the price because they are smaller people and do not burn as easy as me. I, on the other hand, have to re-apply every 45 mins and make sure that it is a thick coat or I turn into a lobster. Not pretty. This kept me protected and I didn't burn at all. It's a must have for sure. 
I was pretty impressed with the products that I tried and these were just my top picks. There were many more in the basket that were wonderful and I will have to have a party to buy them. 

I do love a home party (as I have no time at all to go I love shopping from home). 

I would at least give them a try, what do you really have to lose?! 

So now for the GIVEAWAY. 

Answer in comments - How do you fit in your beauty care routine when you have young children to take care of? 

I will choose a random person by throwing all your names in a hat and having my youngest pick the winner! Contest closes on JUNE 30 at 11:59pm. (MST)
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