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Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Devilish Decorations for all your Halloween Needs

My husband even gets in on the FUN!
Well, I warned you didn't I. Wasn't my last post just yesterday? I am crazy about Halloween and two posts a week (okay 3 this week) and one Vlog a week is almost not cutting it. I have so much cool stuff to share with you to make your Halloween as fun as mine.

Yesterday we brought the THREE big rubbermaid tubs from downstairs and started to transform the living room from summer decor to fall/Halloween decor. It takes a lot of time to do this. I have a lot of stuff!! 

Now, I may be crazy about Halloween and I know it - but I am not crazy about spending a fortune on decorations. Every year at the end of the month or early November, I go to the Christmas Store in Banff and also go to Pier One, Home Outfitters and Michaels to pick through their Halloween decorations that are literally 70 - 80% off. It's great! I have gotten some incredible pieces that way and love to bring them out the next year to get to enjoy them! 

I also have the boys do Halloween crafts all month long and crafts from Halloween past line my walls. I will be posting a couple cool crafts to do with the kids next week. 

Doesn't it look pretty?
One of my favourite decorations to put up is my homemade Halloween Advent Calendar. I bought the template from a fellow blogger at My Delicious Ambiguity and absolutely love it. I have decided this year that I am going to laminate it though as it is not storing very well over the years (it's only paper). 

A different activity everyday!

It was so easy to make I just went to the dollar store and bought seasonal scrapbook paper and some stickers. I used some to decorate the front of the poster and the rest I put on the back of the activities so that the kids were excited to see the which creature was next.

A couple of the decorations that I am really excited for this year are my new dip platter that looks like a witches hat, a couple of really cool skulls with crazy red eyes, battery operated tea-lights, an incredibly cute Halloween apron and a super sparkly haunted house.

So Much Fun!!
So there you have it, my house is completely decorated and I haven't spent a penny this year! I am also planning to check out the annual costume shop to save some money on the kids costumes, and mine too!

Do you have any money saving decoration tips that you would like to share? Send them to me on Twitter, Facebook or right here in comments! 


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