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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Internet Addictive?

Keenan just fell asleep. He hadn't had a nap all day. We went shopping so I was sure that he would fall asleep once I got him in the car. Nope. Just now he chooses to fall asleep. I am not mad that he is sleeping, it is just that I hopw that he is down for the night. I hope this isnt a nap and then he wakes up in an hour and wants to stay up til some ungodly hour. As he is sleeping I could be doing so much, cleaning the downstairs, doing the dishes, doing laundry, folding his clothes that are at the moment in his crib. I have a party on Saturday with 26 people comming. I have a lot to do! I could also be reading the last chapter of my textbook as my class is done june 30. But what am I doing instead? Writing in my Blog. And who reads this anyway??? Why do I feel compelled to write here? Addicted I tell you!!!


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