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Friday, March 17, 2006

Sorry and Stars and Strollers

Okay maybe I went a little overboard on my last post. And maybe I was fuled by a disagreement with my husband that we had earlier in the day. And no I shouldn't be airing out all my dirty laundry on a blog in my MSNspace, but that is what they are for right? So I apologize to all of you who had to read my rant.
So if a blog is not to rant about your personal life, relationships etc. what are they there for? Pointless quips and qualms? Chris started a "real" blog because he found one by one of his really good friends from highschool. I went to her site and saw that she has a child about 2yrs old named Nathan, and she is pregnant again. So that is good to see that people my age are having children and it's not just me and my friend L taking on the world.
I went with this friend to Stars and Strollers the other day (for those of you w/out kids > Stars and Strollers is a baby friendly showing time for movies at Cineplex and Famous Players. You get to bring your baby with you). I have never seen so many babies in one room! It was rather odd. Every seat had a baby around 2 - 5mos old. The funny thing is that they wernt really fussy, it was a really good experiance.
Sometimes, just between me and you, I feel like I would like to have aspects of my old life back. Just for a fleeting moment. Like an uninterupted bath or massage. Or a night out with the girls to Outlaws until 3 in the morning. But I have to come back to reality and remember tha tI chose to be an AP parent and you just have to sacrifice for the emotional and psychological well being of your child.
As Chris would say, Suck it up princess.


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